繼續之前使用ctypes實做Windows data type,這次要做的是使用windows api,來做一個console interface的聊天室,此篇僅先做出介面的樣子
上面這些code是先將我會用到的dll檔先load好和windows api data type實做出來,另外還有方便我用來debug的函式,接下來就是用來實做介面的code
我會實做一個console buffer的原因是,我想要用double buffer,畢竟畫面需要常常更新,為了不讓畫面有閃爍,因此使用這個技術。題外話,其實感覺滿新鮮的 :) 因為我以前用過double buffer是在使用 windows api的gdi才用過,果然在CLI裡也有 :) 親自實做的感覺,其實滿有成就感的,接下來就是做一些 widget出來,只是我對於GUI的元件該有怎樣的包裝,我也不清楚,因此只是隨意的做做而已 :(
結果跑出來的,如同我想像 happy :)
其實後來我有使用socket,thread模組,加上這篇寫的code實做出一個多人聊天室,只是感覺鳥鳥的,有點不想PO出來 :( ,最近是打算寫出一個聊天軟體是GUI介面的,所以要先來研究tkinter,希望能夠成功做出來。
import ctypes from ctypes import wintypes from ctypes.wintypes import * import msvcrt import sys #-----------------debug use---------------------- import inspect def myDebugMsg(msg=''): print('{} at:{}'.format(msg, inspect.stack()[1][1:3])) def pause(): while True: if msvcrt.kbhit(): break #------------------------------------------------ #-------------------------------------------------- # use ctypes to create a windows data type class Char(ctypes.Union): _fields_ = [("UnicodeChar",WCHAR), ("AsciiChar", CHAR)] class CHAR_INFO(ctypes.Structure): _anonymous_ = ("Char",) _fields_ = [("Char", Char), ("Attributes", WORD)] class CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('dwSize', DWORD), ('bVisible', BOOL)] PCHAR_INFO = ctypes.POINTER(CHAR_INFO) COORD = wintypes._COORD #--------------------------------------------------- class dllLoader: ''' load the dll written by c and call them for use ''' def __init__(self): self.mKernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('Kernel32.dll') self.mUser32 = ctypes.WinDLL('User32.dll') def getKernel32(self): return self.mKernel32 def getUser32(self): return self.mUser32 Kernel32 = property(getKernel32) User32 = property(getUser32) dll = dllLoader() #-------------------------------------------------------
上面這些code是先將我會用到的dll檔先load好和windows api data type實做出來,另外還有方便我用來debug的函式,接下來就是用來實做介面的code
class consoleBackBuffer: def __init__(self, w, h): self.mstdout = dll.Kernel32.CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( 0x80000000|0x40000000, #generic read and write 0x00000001|0x00000002, None, 1, #CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER defined in winbase.h None) if self.mstdout == HANDLE(-1): myDebugMsg('CreateConsoleScreenBuffer failed') self.cursorInfo = CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO() self.cursorInfo.dwSize = 25 self.coordBufSize = COORD() self.coordBufSize.X = w self.coordBufSize.Y = h self.coordBufCoord = COORD() self.coordBufCoord.X = 0 self.coordBufCoord.y = 0 self.readRgn = SMALL_RECT() self.readRgn.Top = 0 self.readRgn.Left = 0 self.readRgn.Right = w-1 self.readRgn.Bottom = h-1 self.writeRgn = SMALL_RECT() self.writeRgn.Top = 0 self.writeRgn.Left = 0 self.writeRgn.Right = 79 self.writeRgn.Bottom = 24 self.actuallyWritten = DWORD() # used when writeconsole called self.setCursorVisibility() # by default, set cursor invisible def setCursorVisibility(self, flag = False): self.cursorInfo.bVisible = flag dll.Kernel32.SetConsoleCursorInfo(self.mstdout, ctypes.byref(self.cursorInfo)) def toggleActiveConsole(self, stdout=None): if stdout != None: dll.Kernel32.SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(stdout) else: dll.Kernel32.SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(self.mstdout) def getHandle(self): return self.mstdout def set_color(self, color): dll.Kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( self.mstdout, color ) def gotoxy(self, x, y, stdout=None): coord = COORD(x, y) if stdout == None: dll.Kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition( self.mstdout, coord) else: dll.Kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition( stdout, coord) def setWriteSrc(self, x, y): self.writeRgn.Top = y self.writeRgn.Left = x self.writeRgn.Right = x+self.coordBufSize.X-1 self.writeRgn.Bottom = y+self.coordBufSize.Y-1 def write(self, msg): while len(msg)>self.coordBufSize.X: tempMsg = msg[:self.coordBufSize.X-1]+'\n' msg = msg[self.coordBufSize.X-1:] success = dll.Kernel32.WriteConsoleW( self.mstdout, tempMsg, DWORD(len(tempMsg)), ctypes.byref(self.actuallyWritten), None) if success == 0: myDebugMsg('WriteConsoleW failed') if '\n' not in msg: msg = msg+'\n' if len(msg) != 0: success = dll.Kernel32.WriteConsoleW( self.mstdout, msg, DWORD(len(msg)), ctypes.byref(self.actuallyWritten), None) if success == 0: myDebugMsg('WriteConsoleW failed') def present(self, mainBuffer): chiBuffer = (CHAR_INFO*(self.coordBufSize.X*self.coordBufSize.Y))() success = dll.Kernel32.ReadConsoleOutputW( self.mstdout, ctypes.byref(chiBuffer), self.coordBufSize, self.coordBufCoord, ctypes.byref(self.readRgn) ) if success == 0: myDebugMsg('ReadConsoleOutputW failed') success = dll.Kernel32.WriteConsoleOutputW( mainBuffer, ctypes.byref(chiBuffer), self.coordBufSize, self.coordBufCoord, ctypes.byref(self.writeRgn)) if success == 0: myDebugMsg('WriteConsoleOutput failed')
我會實做一個console buffer的原因是,我想要用double buffer,畢竟畫面需要常常更新,為了不讓畫面有閃爍,因此使用這個技術。題外話,其實感覺滿新鮮的 :) 因為我以前用過double buffer是在使用 windows api的gdi才用過,果然在CLI裡也有 :) 親自實做的感覺,其實滿有成就感的,接下來就是做一些 widget出來,只是我對於GUI的元件該有怎樣的包裝,我也不清楚,因此只是隨意的做做而已 :(
class widget: def __init__(self, sx, sy, w, h): self.console = consoleBackBuffer(w, h) self.console.setWriteSrc(sx, sy) self.gx = sx self.gy = sy #global position self.w = w self.h = h self.mTitle = 'no name' self.content = [] def getConsole(self): return self.console def getContent(self): return self.content[:] def setContent(self, content): self.content = content[:] def setTitle(self, title): self.mTitle = title def getTitle(self): return self.mTitle title = property(getTitle, setTitle) def addContent(self, s): if len(s) >= self.w-3: self.content.append(s[:self.w-3]) self.content.append(s[self.w-3:]) else: self.content.append(s) def delContent(self, s): self.content.remove(s) def display(self, stdout): self.console.present(stdout) class usermenu(widget): ''' show user list ''' def __init__(self, sx, sy, w, h): super().__init__(sx, sy, w, h) def update(self): #draw outline border = '|'+'-'*(self.w-2)+'|' emptyLine = '|'+' '*(self.w-2)+'|' for y in range(self.h): if y in (0, 2, self.h-1): self.console.write(border) else: self.console.write(emptyLine) #draw title and user list tx = int( (self.w - len(self.title))/2 ) self.console.gotoxy(tx, 1) self.console.write(self.title) for i in range(len(self.content)): self.console.gotoxy(2, 3+i) self.console.write(self.content[i]) self.console.gotoxy(0, 0) class msgroom(widget): def __init__(self, sx, sy, w, h): super().__init__(sx, sy, w, h) self.scroll = 0 self.start = 0 def scrollContent(self, offset): self.scroll += offset if self.scroll > 0: self.scroll = 0 def detectPageUpAndDown(self): pageUP = dll.User32.GetAsyncKeyState(0x21) pageDown = dll.User32.GetAsyncKeyState(0x22) if pageUP != 0: self.scrollContent(-2) if pageDown != 0: self.scrollContent(2) def update(self): self.detectPageUpAndDown() border = '|'+'-'*(self.w-2)+'|' emptyLine = '|'+' '*(self.w-2)+'|' for y in range(self.h): if y in (0, 2, self.h-1): self.console.write(border) else: self.console.write(emptyLine) #draw title and content tx = int( (self.w - len(self.title))/2 ) self.console.gotoxy(tx, 1) self.console.write(self.title) index = len(self.content)-(self.h-4)+self.scroll self.start = 0 if index < 0 else index obj = self.content if len(self.content) < self.h-4 else self.content[self.start : self.start+self.h-4] # wow, slice in python seems to automatically check the index if it is out of range # ex. lst = [1,2,3,4,5] # lst[-6:] no error produce for i in range(len(obj)): self.console.gotoxy(1, 3+i) self.console.write(obj[i]) self.console.gotoxy(0, 0) class inputLabel(widget): def __init__(self, sx, sy, w, h): super().__init__(sx, sy, w, h) def update(self): border = '|'+'-'*(self.w-2)+'|' emptyLine = '|'+' '*(self.w-2)+'|' for y in range(self.h): if y in (0, 2, self.h-1): self.console.write(border) else: self.console.write(emptyLine) tx = int( (self.w - 8)) self.console.gotoxy(tx, 0) self.console.write('|') self.console.gotoxy(tx, 2) self.console.write('|') self.console.gotoxy(tx, 1) self.console.write('|submit') self.console.gotoxy(0, 0)好了到這邊為止任務就完成了,想當然爾,要寫個code來測試,自己寫出來的code是不是跟自己想的效果一樣
def test(): ''' like this? in windows, the size of console is 80X25 by default setting: 2 space for left and rigth edge one space or \n for each panel chatroom: 15 height, 55 width user list: 16 height, 15 width submit: 71 width, height 3 |-------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------| | chatroom | | user list | |-------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------| |name2: hello, you | |df | |name1: yo | |yeah | | | |one | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | yo, hahaha |submit | |-------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| ''' from threading import Timer, Thread hstdout = dll.Kernel32.GetStdHandle(DWORD(-11)) if(hstdout == HANDLE(-1)): print('create buffer failed') backBuffer = consoleBackBuffer(80, 25) userpanel = usermenu(56, 0, 15, 17) userpanel.title = 'user list' userpanel.addContent('heyhey') userpanel.addContent('haha') userpanel.update() userpanel.display(backBuffer.getHandle()) chatroom = msgroom(0, 0, 55, 17) chatroom.title = 'chat room' chatroom.addContent("eric: I'm so happy") chatroom.update() chatroom.display(backBuffer.getHandle()) inLabel = inputLabel(0, 18, 71, 3) inLabel.update() inLabel.display(backBuffer.getHandle()) backBuffer.present(hstdout) input() if __name__ == '__main__': test()
結果跑出來的,如同我想像 happy :)
其實後來我有使用socket,thread模組,加上這篇寫的code實做出一個多人聊天室,只是感覺鳥鳥的,有點不想PO出來 :( ,最近是打算寫出一個聊天軟體是GUI介面的,所以要先來研究tkinter,希望能夠成功做出來。